Books: The Little(r) Museums of Paris

On November 9  Emma Jacobs dazzled her listeners at 43 King Street as she talked about her book The Little(r) Museums of Paris: An Illustrated Guide to the City’s Hidden Gems. A journalist and illustrator based in Montreal, when visiting Paris, she strayed from the beaten paths and searched out the city’s lesser known museums, making her way unerringly to the offbeat, the niche, the non-mainstream, like the Musée de la Magie, and the Musée de la Contrefaçon.  Delighting in quirky objêts d’art, she sketched curios, bijoux, and the like, reveling in them with her her watercolor brush.  Her account of the Musée des arts forains (Museum of Fairground Arts), for example, includes sketches of grand carousel horses. She also visited artists’ apartments, anywhere she could fight collections of the whimsical and the odd.  You can find out more about her book here.