Louisiana French Today / Le français Louisiane d’asteur

Our recent Pause Midi on Louisiana French

Gothic Cathedrals—Why Then, Why There?

Why were Gothic cathedrals built when and where they were?

Pouding Chômeur

One of Patsy's favorite French-Canadian maple desserts, often translated as "poor man’s pudding."

Erik Satie, un musicien atypique

Du jardin des personnalités d'Honfleur: Erik Satie, compositeur

Tracing Our Family Trees

The VGL offers many resources to help you find your family history.

Alphonse Allais, le père de l’humour modern

Du jardin des personnalités d'Honfleur: Alphonse Allais, humoriste français

Boeuf Bourguignon

A classic French beef stew

Potage Crécy

A comforting soup for deep winter

Remembering Patrick Buffet

In memoriam: Patrick Buffet